Medmaster MRIGT
Released 04/28/2022 – A lightweight, NSF2-rated ceiling troffer constructed of non-ferrous materials and remote power supplies. Made by a company you know and trust, and protected by Kenall’s 5-year warranty, […]

Medmaster Safeslot
4” x 48” recessed linear slot luminaire for paired, over-bed lighting Provides ambient, exam and reading modes within a seamless design High-output, high-CRI LED lamp sources One-piece doorframe with continuous […]

Architectural, modern design aesthetic scaled for mounting heights of 15-30 feet Multiple mounting configuration and optical distribution options to suit all common area lighting scenarios TekLink advanced wireless networked control […]

What is BIOS SkyBlue? A proprietary lighting solution created by BIOS, a NASA spinoff, to promote better sleep, better energy, and better health. How does BIOS SkyBlue work? According to […]

Indigo Clean utilises the visible light spectrum, in contrast to other lighting disinfection technologies; it is always safe for room occupants—even while operating at the greatest level of disinfection. This […]