Exterior & Interionr Design


lighting company


Lighting Manufacturer Rep Agency

Speclight Associates is a lighting solutions provider representing a portfolio of premier, innovative and constantly evolving lighting manufacturers. We were formed to deliver cutting edge market representation, project management and specification-grade lighting solutions to lighting stakeholders across the Middle East and UK. 


For decades, the Middle East lighting market has proven to be amongst the most challenging for specification-grade manufacturers to penetrate. Beyond the hyper-competitive market dynamics, developing transparent and collaborative relationships across the Middle Eastern lighting supply chain has often proven to be the achilles heel of many of the world’s foremost lighting manufacturers.


It is therefore out of this opaque and complex reality that Speclight Associates was born as a lighting manufacturer rep agency, recognizing an as yet unmet niche for a progressive and dynamic partner across the entire Arabian, European and UK lighting spectrum.

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Speclight 2025 vision

Why Speclight!

Our understanding of the lighting industry cuts across multiple design and construction stakeholders, ever-evolving solutions and dynamic geographic markets. We channel our collective expertise and experience towards the success of the lighting projects we participate in.